"Year Zero"
Nine Inch Nails - 2007
The album features a thermo-chrome heat-sensitive CD face which appears
black when first opened, but reveals a black binary code on a white
background when heat is generated from the album being played.
The binary sequence translates to "exterminal.net",
the address of a website involved in an alternate reality game also set
up by the band to tie in with the concept of the album. Included with the album is a small insert that is a warning from the fictional United States Bureau of Morality, with a phone number
to report people who have "engaged in subversive acts". When the number
is called, a recording from the USBM is played, claiming "By calling
this number, you and your family are implicitly pleading guilty to the
consumption of anti-American media and have been flagged as potential
In 2010,
The Black Keys album "Brothers" also featured a thermo-chrome CD which,
along with some very clever cover design, went on to win the 2011
Grammy Award for Best Album Package.